Sunday, August 7, 2011

Managing Diabetes

Managing Diabetes With Natural Cure

By Marilyn Reid           

Are you urinating more frequently than the usual? Do you easily feel tired and weak recently? Are you experiencing some tingling and numbness of your extremities? And did you lose weight so suddenly during the past days? If you say yes to all these, chances are you are suffering from a disorder known as diabetes.If your not too familiar with this health condition, you might as well start doing your research now in order to learn more about it and find natural cures as much as possible.

Diabetes Facts
Diabetes is a health disorder whereas the body is not able to regulate the amount of sugar, specifically glucose, in the blood. Glucose functions mainly by giving you energy so you can perform your day-to-day activities. But if this regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, the insulin in turn regulates it so it will always be on the right level. And so, when the body produces not enough insulin or does not use it properly, then that's when diabetes comes in.
Diabetes has three types: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. In type 1, the body does not produce insulin or produce too little to regulate the blood glucose level. Meanwhile, in type 2, there is enough insulin but the body is unable to use it partially or completely. And in gestational diabetes, pregnant women experience a sudden increase in blood glucose level during the second half of pregnancy. This, however, goes away once the baby is delivered About Diabetes.
Natural Cures for Diabetes
Although there are lots of prescription medications nowadays, you can always have that option to manage diabetes with natural cures. These may include changing your eating habits, having a healthier lifestyle by observing regular exercise, and going for a raw-food diet or vegan diet. Changing your eating habits means eating the right amount and eating the right food. If you are fond of eating fast foods, then it's time you choose healthy snacks instead. And make sure that you don't eat too much or too little. But to really manage diabetes, you have to combine good eating habits with regular exercise. It is important that you do various physical activities daily so you won't gain too much weight. You should avoid being a diabetic and an obese as this would mean life and death for you.
Now, let's go to raw foods and vegan diets. More people, including celebrities, have already proven that these really work not only in weight loss but also in managing diabetes. Fruits, vegetables, and other raw food snacks can help you achieve a controlled sugar level. So, instead of being dependent on sweet snacks, fast foods, processed meals, and drinks with high sugar content, why not go raw and natural this time? 

Benefits of Juicing

The Health Benefits of Juicing 

By Nehemiah Maxwell 
I started juicing raw vegetables and apples in 1996. It is very easy to do. All you need is a good juicer. Much of the foods people eat, such as french fries, fried chicken, microwave popcorn, doughnuts, margarine, cookies and pastries contain an artery-clogging fat called Trans fat. This fat can lead to type two diabetes, high cholesterol and other health problems. If you desire to live a long, healthy, vibrant life, you have to take care of your body by giving it the proper nutrition. That is why I am such a strong advicate for Juicing. Health Benefits The benefits of consuming these freshly made, health drinks are many. They aid in keeping organs such as heart, liver, and kidneys strong and healthy. They also help prevent colon cancer and keep your digestive system in tiptop shape. This is because they are a great supplier of protein, vitamins and minerals. These drinks also boost the immune system and promote good-looking healthy skin. Another health benefit to consuming these drinks is they help you lose weight and lower cholesterol naturally. Nutritional Health Begins On The Inside I am a firm believer that if you work on being healthy on the inside it will show-up on the outside. Sometimes when I run into old friends they tell me that I look very healthy. I believe the juices that I drink has a lot to do with this. I know a woman who smoked for many years. When she finally quit smoking I noticed in a short period of time, the skin on her face look healthier. There was almost a glow to it. Can you visualize what would happen if more and more people would work on being healthy from the inside out? I can! Raw Vegetable juice Verses Cooked Vegetables You might be saying to yourself I eat a lot of cooked vegetables with my meal why then should I consider juicing? Well allow me give you two reasons: 1.When you cook vegetables at temperatures above 114 degrees, heat destroys the enzymes. (Enzymes are naturally occurring chemical substances in the human body that help a chemical reaction take place). In other words enzymes are important because they aid in the digestion and absorption of food in your body. Fruit and vegetable juice that are sold in a shop or supermarket must go through a pasteurizing process before they can be sold to you the customer. The reason for this pasteurizing process is to give these drinks shelf life. However during this process heat reaches about 120 degrees thus destroying the enzymes. In contrast enzymes in raw vegetable or fruit drinks are live. So they are able to do the job they are intended to do. 2.When you juice, you separate the liquid from the fiber. Thus food value is available to the body in much larger amounts than if the piece of fruit or vegetable were eaten whole. If you ate one raw carrot, your body would only be able to absorb about 1% of the available vitamin A (beta carotene). That is because most of the nutrients in a carrot are locked in its fiber. However if you separate the liquid from the fiber, your body would be able to assimilate 90% of the nutrients. Pretty amazing!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


                                    Nutritional Supplement for Healthy 

By Anna Josephs

Many of us equate vitamin, miniral, and nutrition supplement but most of the time what is purchase in the name of healthy food does not mean to be safe all the time.

Our body I made up of chemical component such as water, proteins, lipids, DNA, and carbohrdrates. When nutrition supplement is take in amounts greater than the recommmanded dietary allowance they will no longer will be nutrition and they will be considred as durgs.
Currently, too many nutritional benefits are processed, cooked or fried out of what we eat, which leaves us little choice but to supplement our diet with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to regain health and to stay healthy. Healthy food and good nutritional supplements will restore your engine to optimum working order. DO NOT self-medicate with large doses of vitamins, minerals, or other nutritional supplements without seeking medical advice.
Many of us start taking nutritional supplement with any advice on dietician which affect our body and which is realized by us. So be careful before you feel you need to take nutritional supplements, first discuss your concerns with your doctor, pharmacist, or other qualified health care professional, for example, a registered nurse or dietician.